Do you like old video games? Old anime? Web pages that
look like they were made in the 90s? If you answered an
enthusiastic "Yes!" to these questions, then this website
may just be for you. As someone who grew up on games and
anime from the 80s and 90s, with a strong preference to
for simple web sites before things got all slick and
smartphone friendly, I really miss those days and feel
like waxing nostalgic about all that stuff for a while all
from the comfort of a delightfully old school web page.
Shamefully, I only recently found out that Neocities
exists, so there isn't any content here yet, but that will
change as I get cracking on the writing of things and
begin yammering about Nintendos, Dragon Warriors,
Parodiuses, Bubblegum Crises, SDF-1s, and the like. If
this sounds like your cup of tea, stay tuned as we embark
on a nostalgia-fueled voyage of wonder!
Record of Lodoss War: It was like watching an RPG =O